
2013. 4. 12 fri ~ 5. 12 sun안동일Dongil An, 윤동희Donghee Youn, 차현욱Hyunuk Cha

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point to point1-Exhibition & Performance talk

2013. 3. 8 fri ~ 4. 28 sun*전시 Exhibition ;김승현 Seunghyun Kim, 도둑들 Thieves(김윤섭과 이승훈)*퍼포먼스 Performance talk ;김건예 Geonye Kim, 안유진 Yoojin An, 이도현 Dohyun Lee윤동희 Donghee Youn, 황수현 Soohyun…

Continue Reading point to point1-Exhibition & Performance talk